About Melitta

Melitta Thorn
Evidential Medium
Hello and Welcome to MediumSpiritual.com
I was born and raised in Austria and speak fluent German and English. I left Austria when I was only 18 years old and lived in London, England for two years to study English. After that, I came to the USA on my own. Little did I know that I was going to spend the majority of my life in this beautiful country—a land of opportunities and endless possibilities.
Ever since I was young, I had glimpses of knowing and was aware that there is something more than the human eye can see. The ability of claircognizance (knowing), clairaudience (hearing), and clairsentience (feeling) became stronger growing up. I always had an open curious mind. I grew up Catholic, but it did not resonate with me. Even to this day I don’t belong to any denomination or religion, I just belong to God (Spirit).
The door opened wide for me in February 2020 (I call it the year of perfect vision) when I attended an in-person workshop in Savannah, GA. I was shocked to discover that I could do accurate psychic and mediumship readings. My fourth main psychic sense clairvoyance (seeing) came into full view. This is why I love doing workshops to show people that we are all psychic and can do things beyond our wildest dreams!
I feel guided to provide a service to Spirit and you. My teachers and mentors were first Suzanne Giesemann, followed by Andy Byng, Janet Nohavec, and Andrej Djordjevitch for trance mediumship development. My spirit guide Star Bright has been instrumental for Trance Healing and Trance Speaking development. To connect with the divine God source is an incredible experience and I am humbled and in awe every time there is a connection and loved ones are brought together. I am only the instrument and I am here to serve.
When I do mediumship readings, I prefer to use the phone (audio only), and for people overseas I use WhatsApp or Zoom. For Tarot Card readings I use Zoom. I also offer in-person workshops, and private group readings of 4-10 people at your home or via Zoom. Angel messages are also very popular. My abilities are continuously growing and evolving. I let Spirit guide me to serve to the best of my ability to help connect people with their loved ones that have crossed over and show them beyond a shadow of a doubt that life is everlasting!
Love and Light!
P.S. Would you like to know about your innate psychic senses? Why not explore our “Spirit Talk Blog” which is full of useful information on all things spiritual and psychic. Learn, Grow and Explore your psychic abilities and how they can help you and others!