Evidential Medium Melitta Thorn will offer a more Advanced Evidential Mediumship Workshop again! The first one on 13 May 23 was such a great success!
Come, learn and develop as we go deeper into what it means to be an evidential medium and what the difference is between psychic and evidential mediums. We will also explore different kinds of readings (mediumship, psychic, psychometry) as well. The work shop is filled with several practice readings to make sure you develop the confidence and trust in the messages you receive and how to deliver them to your “Sitter” (person you are doing a reading for).
Class size is being kept between 10 and 20 to ensure that Melitta can provide personal one-on-one attention to everyone attending.
This workshop is more hands-on, so be ready!
This workshop is more advanced and it is HIGHLY recommended you have taken the Beginning Mediumship Workshop as this workshop builds on the principles in that workshop.
The Advanced Mediumship Workshop will start at 9 am and will end at 3pm with a lunch break. Please bring lunch and hang out with your friends to discuss your progress. As usual, I will provide snacks, coffee, and teas.
The next Workshop will be on ….. TBD!
If you have 10 people or more I will travel to your location and sponsor you as a “Thank You!”
Location: Center Of Light, 4208 Holmes Ave, Huntsville, AL 35816
If you have any questions, please contact me!