You are currently viewing Workshop Blog 25 Mar 2023

Workshop Blog 25 Mar 2023


New Beginning Mediumship Workshop


This workshop was a lot of fun! The group was small and everybody contributed and participated! There were so many amazing talents. I felt blessed to be able to share what I have learned and in turn also hear their stories. Spirit let us know that we are all ONE and we are all interconnected.

A Trance Healing demonstration took place at the end of the workshop.  It was something new that was added spontaneously and welcomed by the participant. One just never knows what can happen in one of these workshops! 🙂

Sending you many Blessings!

Love and Light!


I cant wait to see all of you in the Advanced Workshop on 13 May 23!

Melitta Thorn

Ever since I was young I had glimpses of knowing and was aware that there is something more than the human eye can see . . . To Learn More Click: Menu > About Me