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Psychic / Mediumship Workshop Video

by Melitta Thorn

Psychic / Mediumship Workshop Video

Recorded: Center of Light on 24 September 2022

This informative video is almost 4 hours long. The instructor, Evidential Medium, Melitta Thorn explains in detail:

  • What is the difference between a Psychic and a Medium?
  • How does it all work?
  • How is it possible to do readings over the phone and ZOOM?
  • Why Mediumship?
  • Discussing the awareness of the Higher and Lower Self
  • Types of mediumship and how they differ
  • Steps on how to connect with the Spirit World, Angels, Guides, etc.
  • What are the psychic senses?
  • Picture of a stereogram (optical illusion of depth created by a 2D image)
  • Remote viewing exercise (describe an object in a bag)
  • Psychometry (energy from objects)
  • Psychic Wall exercise (everybody’s favorite)
  • Zena Cards for psychic development (shapes and colors)
  • Meditation
  • Gallery Reading

This workshop was unique in its’ own way as I went unexpectedly into trance during a group reading.  During the regular reading I could feel myself going deeper and all I could say was, “I am slipping into trance.”  The message from my guide was for the audience as a whole, but also targeted specific people. 

There were several loved ones and a little dog that came through in the group reading.  Someone’s sister had a profound message about how important it is to include them during the holidays which was mentioned in the November Newsletter.  A young playful boy (under 10 years old) from the other side made his presence known and he did not belong to the group, but belonged to the house.  Every time we have a reading at the Center of Light someone shows up that used to live there.  People on the other side like to be acknowledged.  They also send signs that you may or may not tie to a specific person at first.

Each workshop is unique due to the mix of people and the energies they bring with them.

The Positive Feedback and Suggestions from the workshop participants was almost overwhelming

Available In

Psychic / Mediumship Workshop Level 1

The following is a 10 minute excerpt of the video. Click MP4-Video in the Available In column above to order the full video.

Melitta Thorn

Ever since I was young I had glimpses of knowing and was aware that there is something more than the human eye can see . . . To Learn More Click: Menu > About Me