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Trance Healing is a very powerful method of spiritual healing. It is a form of Mediumship. It works on the emotional, mental, and spiritual level, but it is not uncommon to receive a physical healing. It is always an unforgettable experience and people are left speechless every time. There are no words to describe the powerful energy of her guide when they work together as a team!

Melitta is usually able to see what is going on in the body. It could be current and or past injuries or illnesses. Sometimes she can see the same for close family members. The feedback from people have been quite incredible. For example, doctors had given up on a dear friend of hers and he felt he had nothing to lose but give trance healing a try. They did a remote session. He contacted her two days later and said, “I don’t know how, but it worked! I have no more pain in my right shoulder!” A neighbor of hers avoided knee and ankle surgery. She could barely walk and the pain disappeared. Melitta could hardly believe it herself! “This is very humbling and amazing! It feels like a miracle to me,” she said.

“I know that all healing comes from the divine God source and I am just the instrument,” says Melitta. When Jesus walked the earth he said, “what I do, you can do too!” But to most people that is quite a stretch and takes trust and a strong belief.  Melitta just knows it works and trusts the higher good and her guide Star Bright! Now there are some people that may just experience a deep sense of peace and calmness. Pain or an illness may be diminished, but still be present which could mean a karmic payment from a past life. Either way, you walk away with healing on some level (physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual)! All people have reported that they have slept the best in years.

Find out for yourself when you come to this In-Person Healing event. Bring a blanket if you wish to make yourself comfortable and some water to drink. The session could take anywhere from 20-45 mins. There will be plenty of time for feedback as Melitta will report what she saw and felt during her trance state.