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Medium A Step-by-Step Guide – Konstanza Morning Star


A Step-by-Step Guide by Konstanza Morning Star

Available in Kindle; Audiobook; and Paperback

With precise detail, a wide variety of exercises, and a wealth of expertise, Konstanza Morning Star shows how to develop your innate gift of spirit communication. Discover how mediumship works, how anyone can use it, and how to build a strong spiritual foundation so that your abilities will flourish.

Medium is a beginner-friendly book designed to help you gain strong and clear spiritual perception through a nine-step process. It takes you inside the medium’s mind and body, demonstrating how to actually experience contact with a spirit person through clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and other spiritual senses. Featuring instructions for creating and conducting a home practice circle, assisting a “stuck” spirit to move on to the light, and much more, this is a book no aspiring medium should be without.

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Melitta Thorn

Ever since I was young I had glimpses of knowing and was aware that there is something more than the human eye can see . . . To Learn More Click: Menu > About Me