The Secret Nature of Matter “Gordon maps out new territory in the rarely explored intersection of science and spirituality in this investigation of the relationship between matter and consciousness. Building on the Quantum-Touch technique he developed in previous books, Gordon explains how the hands-on energy healing technique that . . .
Check out this list of recommended books to help you learn and grow; to develop your psychic and mediumship abilities including your 4 main clair senses of Clairvoyance, Clairsentience, Clairaudience and Claircognizance. Many of these books have beautiful heartwarming stories of others on their journey to the light.
This in-depth masterclass from the author of the groundbreaking bestseller The Secret illustrates how to apply the law of attraction to three of life's most important areas: relationships, health, and money. Discover how to achieve personal happiness, wellbeing, and success with this collection of lessons, advice, and case studies . . .
Through the Darkness is the compelling true story of evidential medium Janet Nohavec. Janet first saw "the spirit people" at age five, but after her mother labeled Janet a demon child, she learned to suppress what would later reveal itself as a rare gift. Follow Janet as she evolves from a scared and powerless child to a rebellious teenager, and later to a confused and doubting Roman . . .
Walking with Angels, Tony Stockwell shares his experiences of a life shared with Spirits and Angels. The renowned psychic, bestselling author and presenter of Living TV’s Psychic Detective and Psychic School taps into the zeitgeist and shows us how the power of angels and spirit guides can turn our lives around. Many of us share a belief that death is not the end and that the spirits of those we have loved and lost live on. After a lifetime of . . .
Janet Nohavec has built her reputation as a medium and as a teacher of mediumship on the respect and integrity she gives to her work. In Where Two Worlds Meet, Janet shows you how to hone your own mediumistic gifts by sharing her proven, systematic techniques for practicing evidential mediumship -the most credible way to build a bridge between this world and the next. For Janet, mediumship is sacred work . . .