Announcement – June-2023

Last year during Summer Solstice (21 June), I was in Germany visiting my cousins on my father’s side for the first time. I went to the Externsteine the day before and had an unforgettable experience including a strong vortex and meeting an incredible individual by the name of . . .

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Announcement – May-2023

The universe, angels, guides, and loved ones like to send signs to get your attention. But are you noticing them or are you just brushing them off? Calling them coincidences? Signs are usually very direct. You can also ask for a specific sign if you are making a decision.

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Announcement – April-2023

Usually when it rains, it pours! But many times, we are rewarded with a beautiful rainbow at the end. Same goes with life events. Whenever we think we have hit rock bottom something unexpected good happens. You are never alone. Angels and guides are always on stand-by to extend a helping hand, but you must ask.

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Announcement – March-2023

Spring is in the Air! Time of renewal, time to start fresh, and time to let Spirit be part of your life. Whenever I think back when I did not have the awareness like I have today, life was different. So many earthly things would get the better of me, but not anymore. Sure, I have my moments, but they are the exception and not the norm. Life is truly good.

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Announcement – February-2023

Happy Valentine’s Day! Yes, we are announcing an event to celebrate LOVE! There are many different kinds of love which I explore in the newsletter (attached below). But first let me tell you about the amazing Live Zoom meeting on 14 January 23 with Maria Kaeser-Aunkofer from Germany. Maria was an absolute delight and told us about her life and how she found her voice and healing abilities. When Maria sang for us, her Spirit was connecting with the Spirit of the group resulting in the most captivating sound which touched everyone’s soul. One of the ladies found immediate relief from the terrible pain from a recent accident!

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Announcement – January-2023

To a Happy New Beginning, We will start posting announcements next month. Be sure to check back!

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