
The Chakras are important energy centers in the body that act similar to wheels and are spinning vortexes.  We are focusing on the seven major ones and each has their […]

The founder and owner of Hemi-Sync technology is Robert Monroe. It is a trademarked brand name for a patented process used to create audio patterns containing binaural beats, which are commercialized in the form of audio CDs.

My life has passed through various stages that are interwoven with invisible threads and have led me to where I am now - a healthy and self-aware woman.

It was so moving, I had tears rolling down my face. Maria connects her soul to a place or person and sings the most beautiful soul songs you will ever hear.

I was in total disbelief and was drawn like a magnet to this magnificent . . .

As I was approaching the water I could hear some captivating and mesmerizing sounds . . .