Guide to Peace and Tranquility

My life has changed for the better thanks to daily meditation!  I always thought meditation was for Gurus or the enlightened ones, monks that spend hours a day praying and…

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Recommended Reading, Viewing, Listening

Check out this list of recommended books to help you learn and grow. To develop your psychic and mediumship abilities including your 4 main clair senses of Clairvoyance, Clairsentience, Clairaudience and Claircognizance. Many of these books have beautiful heartwarming stories of others on their journey to the light. ©2020

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Workshop Blog 24 Sep 2022

This workshop was unique in its’ own way as I went unexpectedly into trance during a group reading. During the regular reading I could feel myself going deeper and all I could say was, “I am slipping into trance.” The message from my guide was for the audience as a whole, but also targeted specific people. ” There were several loved ones and a little dog that came through in the group reading. Someone’s sister had a profound message about how important it is to include them during the holidays . . .

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Ever Wonder What Orbs Are?

There seems to be a big mystery about orbs! What are they?  The answers vary depending on someone’s opinion and belief system.  In the end . . ., does it really matter? 

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The Importance of Energy Balance

The Chakras are important energy centers in the body that act similar to wheels and are spinning vortexes.  We are focusing on the seven major ones and each has their…

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Workshop Blog 26 March 2022

What joy!  There were THREE sisters attending for the first time and it was a lively group!  When there are an uneven number in the group, as in this case, I join in the exercises and it is so much fun.  During the one-on-one psychic reading the young woman I was paired with was . . .

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Workshops Blog

The Workshop Blogs is where you will find highlights of workshops

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Travel Post Submission

Article Submission Form | | Travel Blog MediumSpiritual welcomes guest articles for our Travel Blog. If you have an article or an idea for an article that you’d like to share, please read our submission terms & guidelines and then use this form to submit your article.

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