Come to this Live Zoom event and learn as Evidential Medium Melitta Thorn explains and demonstrates that Angels are waiting to give angelic answers and guidance about your love life, career, health, family, etc. Each person during this event will receive an Angel Card Message.
With a Message from Heaven you can ask a question or leave it open.
January’s Live Zoom event was an incredible experience filled with laughter and fun as Maria shared her incredible story of overcoming depression and illness to discovering her true passion and gift.
Maria has studied Shamanism, cooks healthy meals and shows off her skills on her YouTube channel.
But most of all Maria is a an incredibly gifted soul singer who connects her soul with yours or a place. The result is an unique and rich song every time.
“The intellect has little to do on the road to discovery. There comes a leap in consciousness, call it intuition or what you will, and the solution comes to you and you don’t know how or why.”
Albert Einstein
When confronted with a difficult decision, stop and ask yourself, “how does it feel”; should I do this or that; and then Listen. It may just save you great anguish and . . .
Let Me Help You With
What is a Psychic and what is a Medium and how do they differ? Listen and Learn as Evidential Medium Melitta Thorn explains how an Evidential Medium can connect across the Veil and connects with your loved ones on the other side.
In-Person Psychic Mediumship Workshop
Evidential Medium Melitta Thorn is offering a more Advanced Evidential Mediumship Workshop. Come, learn and develop as we go deeper into what it means to be an evidential medium and what the difference is between psychic and evidential mediums. We will also explore different kinds of readings (mediumship, psychic, psychometry) as well. This workshop is more advanced and it is HIGHLY recommended you have taken the Beginning Mediumship Workshop or have equivalent experience.
Angels are here to give us signs (symbols, repetitive numbers, flowers, animals). We all have at least one angel, but it’s not uncommon to have more. They help protect us and guide us.
Perhaps you have even had an encounter with an angel without realizing it.
They are waiting to give angelic answers and guidance about your love life, career, health, family, and more. Learn what you need to know.
A Tarot card reading can give you insight into the past, present, and future possibilities. The cards can guide you and answer some questions.
This reading is perfect for someone who would like to get confirmation about the Past, clarification about the Present, and find out about Future possibilities. It will help you in getting a clearer picture about your life, including love and relationships, business matters, and even career changes. This reading via Zoom.
A group reading is a great way for family and friends to share the incredibly touching and memorable experience of communicating with loved ones that have crossed over. While no one can guarantee who will come through during a reading; that is up to Spirit, in most cases everyone in attenadance receives a message.
Private Group Readings at your home (within 15 miles of Huntsville, AL area) or via Zoom (4-10 people).
There is nothing more heart-warming than holding a group reading for you, your friends, and your loved ones on the other side.
An Evidential Medium acts as a bridge of communication between people on Earth and the spirits (souls) of those who have passed on.
After our loved ones pass, their soul vibrates at a much higher frequency than they did in life. Since everything in the Universe vibrates at a specific frequency, mediums can tap into this current to connect for a reading. Spirits lower their frequency and the medium raises his/her frequency to make a connection.
How do Mediums communicate with deceased loved ones?
Spirit Talk Blog
Listen - Learn - Grow
Check out this list of recommended books to help you learn and grow. To develop your psychic and mediumship abilities including your 4 main clair senses of Clairvoyance, Clairsentience, Clairaudience and Claircognizance. Many of these books have beautiful heartwarming stories of others on their journey to the light. ©2020 MediumSpiritual.com
There seems to be a big mystery about orbs! What are they? The answers vary depending on someone’s opinion and belief system. In the end . . ., does it really matter?
Contacting your spirit guides is a very important step along your spiritual journey. You may wonder why that is? Read on and find out.....
Travel Blog
Traveling with Spirit
As I was approaching the water I could hear some captivating and mesmerizing sounds . . .
It was so moving, I had tears rolling down my face. Maria connects her soul to a place or person and sings the most beautiful soul songs you will ever hear.
I was in total disbelief and was drawn like a magnet to this magnificent . . .

ON 13 MAY 2023 - Evidential Medium Melitta Thorn offered a more Advanced Evidential Mediumship Workshop for the first time! People had been asking her about a continuation. The workshop was filled with several practice readings to develop the confidence and trust in the messages received and how to deliver them to the “Sitter” (person doing a reading for)..
This workshop was a lot of fun! The group was small and everybody contributed and participated! There were so many amazing talents. I felt blessed to be able to share what I have learned and in turn also hear their stories. Spirit let us know that we are . . .
This workshop was unique in its’ own way as I went unexpectedly into trance during a group reading. During the regular reading I could feel myself going deeper and all I could say was, “I am slipping into trance.” The message from my guide was for the audience as a whole, but also targeted specific people. ” There were several loved ones and a little dog that came through in the group reading. Someone’s sister had a profound message about how important it is to include them during the holidays . . .
What joy! There were THREE sisters attending for the first time and it was a lively group! When there are an uneven number in the group, as in this case, I join in the exercises and it is so much fun. During the one-on-one psychic reading the young woman I was paired with was . . .
I lost my only brother in 2010 and have had an extremely hard time accepting his passing. Melitta’s reading brought me much comfort and peace of mind. She is truly amazing!
Love, excitement, and JOY! When I contacted Melitta she immeditaely said to only give her my first name because she didn’t want to know anything about me before the reading. I had never had a reading when I contacted Melitta. I wasn’t sure what to expect and was nervous. Melitta helped calm my nerves and explained how everything would work. Once the reading started she immediately picked up on a loved one who had passed. She was able to give me evidential information about my grandpa that only my immediate family would know. As a nice surprise my grandma came through too. She said, “there is a tiny grandmotherly figure . . .

All the World’s in Vibration…